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VikingRunes is an ancient craft brought up to date. The runes are the letters of an antediluvian Germanic language, the Scandinavian variations being called the futhark, the name being a derivation of the first six letters of the Runic alphabet – F, U, Þ, A, R, and K.

The Viking Runes are a study of these Runic letters. The letters were usually inscribed on wood or stone and hence called runestones. These runestones were cast from a container, one at a time, onto a covering. From this, a reading could be made to give guidance to one’s thought processes.

On the whole, the Viking Runes should be used sparingly in conjunction with any individual question that you have. It is sensible to leave at least six months between readings of a similar nature. The exception is the Daily Rune which should be used, at most, daily and then without a question.

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