ufoym.com - Ming Yang | 杨铭

Description: Ming Yang is a CTO with CVTE, where he also serves as the Director of CVTE Research. Prior to joining CVTE, Ming received a B.E. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Sun Yat-sen University. He has spent time at Microsoft Research Asia (2010 ~ 2012, advised by Jian Sun who lead the Visual Computing Group).

ai (8544) computer vision (736) ym (11) ming yang (2) yang ming (1) 杨铭 (1) ufoym (1) cvte research (1)

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Ming Yang is a CTO with CVTE ( 002841.SZ ), where he also serves as a Director of CVTE Research . His team is focusing on the research, development, and innovation of perception AI (vision, speech, haptics, etc.), with a broad range of applications in smart manufacturing, future education, and corporate services.

Prior to joining CVTE, Ming received a B.E. (2009) and a Ph.D. (2014, advised by Prof. Hongyang Chao) in Computer Science from Sun Yat-sen University. He has spent time at Microsoft Research Asia (2010 ~ 2012, advised by Jian Sun who lead the Visual Computing Group ).

Towards Accurate Facial Motion Retargeting with Identity-consistent and Expression-exclusive Constraints .