udlspacedesign.com - The UDL-IRN and Multistudio Present the Deck of Spaces – Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network

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Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network

As work across the field continues to demonstrate the importance of considering the various design elements of the learning environment, we have been reflecting on how space design actually impacts learning and associated behaviors. Working with Multistudio , an award winning architecture firm that focuses on shaping learning environments through the lens of both educators and learners, the UDL-IRN is excited to announce the UDL Learning Spaces Idea Kit.

From supporting basic accessibility to encouraging self-determined and future-focused learners the environment matters. The kit was developed to encourage conversations, understanding, and actions among the variables that are involved in shaping human behavior and outcomes in learning. As highlighted in its name, the UDL Learning Spaces Idea Kit, supports a crosswalk among physical space design and the UDL Guidelines (CAST, 2018).