ucifa.org - Irvine Faculty Association

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The Irvine Faculty Association is a voluntary faculty association affiliated with the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA).

The mission of the Irvine Faculty Association is to keep its members informed of matters of concern to UC faculty and to represent UC Irvine faculty to UCOP and the state legislature through CUCFA. As an independent dues-paying association, the Irvine Faculty Association is able to represent faculty concerns in coordination with the Irvine Academic Senate or in divergence from the Academic Senate. As an independent group, the Irvine Faculty Association may also take political positions, protected by the Fir

The Irvine Faculty Association is not a union; UC Santa Cruz is the only UC campus to have voted to institute a union. Unlike a union, the Irvine Faculty Association cannot assist individual faculty with grievances or salary issues.  However, under AB 1091, also known as HEERA or The Berman Act of 1979, the Faculty Associations alone have the authority to represent the economic and/or employment interests of their faculties before the University. The Office of the UC President sends notices to CUCFA about a