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August is here, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, and the end of summer is just around the corner! But there’s still time to squeeze in some summertime fun. The month of August is full of events like agricultural fairs, festivals, outdoor movies, live music, and more. Here’s our list of […]

Our real estate market is the envy of the nation. So, it comes as no surprise that so many of our area Realtors are celebrated in national magazines and newspapers for their accomplishments and dedication to the industry. Here are a few for your consideration. Laurie Mensing Christie’s International Real Estate Ranked in the top […]

Data as of July 6, 2023 Washington, D.C. Market Key Findings  Area Housing Market Strong Heading into Summer Low inventory continues to suppress sales In June, overall sales in the Washington, D.C. region were 18.5% lower than a year ago. However, the year-to-year gap in sales activity is narrowing and sales would be stronger if there […]