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McConnell Dental is provided in both public and private facilities. Public care is largely funded by the public sector, while private care is predominantly private. This difference in cost has an impact on the accessibility of dental care. What impact does universal health care have on the availability of dental care? The Australian Dental Association works to protect the public’s health by ensuring that dental practitioners meet high standards.

In Australia, most dental care is provided by private practitioners, with over 85% of dentists working privately. This means that a large minority of Australians cannot afford to see a dentist, and are therefore ineligible for public dental care. Many people with serious oral health issues go without treatment, limiting their employment options and causing significant pain. Additionally, many people with serious dental problems develop infections that can lead to serious health complications. Approximately

While dental schemes are helpful, they are often limited and only cover a portion of dental work. Additionally, some patients require more treatment than the schemes cover. In order to address this, the ADA has released a paper highlighting recommendations to make the dental care system more effective and reach more people. This paper recommends several changes to current dental schemes that will help provide more comprehensive dental care for Australians.

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