- TWP – Thinking and Working Politically Community of Practice

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The Thinking and Working Politically Community of Practice (TWP CoP) is a global network of practitioners and researchers in development and global affairs committed to promoting more effective development policy and practice. The TWP CoP works to promote more politically aware approaches to development, encourage their adaptation, translate findings and implications emerging from political economy analysis into operationally relevant guidance, and provide evidence-based insights that can stimulate innovati

Derick Brinkerhoff and Marc Cassidy

In December 2022, the TWP CoP, in collaboration with RTI International and Adapt Consult, hosted a webinar on ‘ Political Economy Analysis and TWP: Learning from Ten Years of USAID Experience ’. This Reflections Note synthesises the key points arising from the webinar, including observations on the impacts, opportunities, challenges, and prospects for PEA/TWP to become more deeply adopted and sustained as a development methodology and approach across sectors. The paper starts by defining key concepts. It th

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