- I Read Indie

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I have decided, it’s finally time to officially close my blog and move things over to Instagram. My blog has brought me so much joy over the years...until it didn’t. What started out as a labor of love, ended up feeling like straight labor. The kind without an epidural and those contractions are coming in hot. 

I didn’t like going over here to post reviews and would sometimes go weeks without sharing anything. (Ok, maybe even months.) I quit signing up for book tours because I knew it would mean signing in and spending too long at my computer getting html’s to work or images to stay right where I wanted them. The thought of it all absolutely exhausted me. Then Blogger went and janked up their formatting. (I am still not over that betrayal.) 

 I soon discovered how simple and time reducing IG could be. Along with that came my new hobby of making edits for books. While I am far from being a Bookstagrammer, (those guys are beyond talented) I find posting on IG so much less stressful.