- Social Media Tulsa » Tweet4Toys

Description: Your Event's Social Media Team

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1. Donate: our goal is $500 Any amount that you can donate is welcomed. Text Tweet4Toys to 918-228-5819.

2. Share on Social Media: It’s that simple. Download the graphic below or the one in the header and share it on your Instagram, Facebook, and or Twitter accounts and ask people to share and spread the love. The more people who use this image and use the hashtag, the more chance we have to reach and surpass our goal. (What am I saying, you know how social media works) 

3. ReTweet / Repost : Follow @Tweet4Toys on Twitter and Instagram and simply share our latest post. Use the hashtag #Tweet4toys (Instagram4toys doesn’t have the same ring to it)  4. Donate online: Social Media Tulsa’s Virtual Red Kettle Click here to donate. Either one of the options above would be completely amazing and will have an impact on someone’s life. Please follow @Tweet4toys on Twitter and Instagram .  Browser not supported About Social Media Tulsa Shop My account Cart Checkout June 21, 2021 #Thro