tuskrobots.net - 托盘搬运机器人_AGV无人叉车_智能化工业物流解决方案_Tuskrobots(广东塔斯克机器人有限公司)

Description: Tuskrobots致力于赋能智慧工厂智能物流,让搬运更简单更高效,率先推出了具有全球独特创新性,高度适应国际标准托盘的输送及拣选智能机器人产品。团队成员源自国内外知名高校,拥有丰富的机器人领域开发运营经验,公司推出的创新产品拥有数百件专利和软件著作版权。

搬运机器人 (40) 仓储机器人 (10) agv无人叉车 (4) 潜伏式agv (2) 托盘搬运机器人 (1) 托盘搬运agv (1) 工业搬运agv (1) 工业搬运机器人 (1) 猛犸机器人 (1) 托盘搬运专家 (1)

Example domain paragraphs


Based on TUSK intelligent pallet transporting robot + Lothar task scheduling system platform, it provides warehouse personnel with human-machine cooperation through terminal PDA, PAD pager, etc., flexible configuration and task distribution mechanism can easily cope with various warehouse picking scenarios. The whole process of material flow automation from platform, warehousing, temporary storage, picking, packaging and ex-warehousing is completed in combination with the WMS system.


Links to tuskrobots.net (6)