turquoise-ranch.com - Australian Cattle Dog puppies - Turquoise Ranch

Description: Find our ACD puppies for sale at Turquoise Ranch. Our Australian cattle dog puppies are bred for excellence and make great family additions and ranch partners.

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Turquoise Ranch Turquoise Ranch Turquoise Ranch Turquoise Ranch Home Cowboys Cowgirls Puppies Retired Tribute More Home Cowboys Cowgirls Puppies Retired Tribute Home Cowboys Cowgirls Puppies Retired Tribute Cowboys Cowgirls Puppies About Us The Australian Cattle Dog  ACDs have immense work drive and excel at hunting, chasing, and, of course, moving livestock. Their boundless energy and supple gait make them excellent running partners. ACDs are true-blue loyal, famously smart, ever alert, and wary of strange

Along with preserving this breed as a true working cattle dog, they are able to excel at many other sports. Agility, Fast CAT, Barn Hunt, Dock Diving, Disc, Tracking/SAR are some of the more common sports. https://www.akc.org/sports/

According to the OFA standard of ACD health testing, the minimal requirements are key to breeding a healthy dog. https://www.ofa.org/recommended-tests?breed=ACD