turkinator.ru - Verdi Aida Erich Leinsdorf (3 CD) артикул 1196b.

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A fascinating look into the history of the American sideshow and its performers Learn what's real, what's fake, and what's just downright bizarre You've probably heard of Tom Thumb The Elephant Man Chang and Eng, the original Siamese twins But what about Eli Bowen, the legless acrobat? Myrtle Corbin, the four-legged woman? Or Prince Randian, the обэек human torso? All these and more were stars during the heyday of the American sideshow, from 1840 to 1950 American Sideshow chronicles the lives of truly amazi

Amazon comHilary Liftin's Candy and Me (A Love Story) is not only a love story, but also the story of an otherwise normal, slender, strong-toothed woman's lifetime obsession with candy and all things sweet With brutal honesty, Liftin exposes herself as insatiable As a child she indulged in cups full of powdered sugar mixed with just enough water обэеу to make a paste which she ate in front of the TV, and multiple packs of hot chocolate mix, licked from her finger on her way home from school She is a connois

Founded on a bluff overlooking the mighty Mississippi River, Memphis, Tennessee has been known as the city of "white gold" (for the cotton shipped from its waterfront), "home of the blues,"and the "birthplace of rock 'n roll " Tourists from around the world flock to see historic Beale Street and no visit is complete обэеч without a tour of Graceland, Elvis Presley's home In addition, Memphis has become a Mecca for historians and tourists interested in immersing themselves in the history of the civil rights