turismocomillas.es - Turismo Comillas

Description: Comillas es una villa de Cantabria, España, que se ha convertido en un importante destino turístico gracias a su arquitectura modernista, declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 2008.

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The town of Comillas is one of the northern Spanish region of Cantabria’s most symbolic places and one of its most interesting from an architectural point of view.

It has some of the most important Art Nouveau buildings in Cantabria , which include Sobrellano Palace Chapel and the Pantheon, the Pontifical University and, of course, the brilliant El Capricho by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi.

Its beautiful beach is also a major attraction, bringing thousands of tourists to the town every summer. Another well-known attraction is the Plaza del Corro square next to the church.