turflawns.co.uk - TURF LAWNS. Suppliers of turf in Devon & Cornwall

Description: Turf Lawns grow and supply premium garden turf for lawns, landscaping and amenity use and deliver to customers throughout Devon & Cornwall.

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Turf Lawns are growers and suppliers of premium lawn turf for gardens, landscaping and amenity use. Turf Lawns produce turf to high standards set out over our 16 years of experience in lawn turf production.

Our turf is produced using high-tech turf machinery operated by experienced staff. All of our turf is grown from seed selected from the highest rated STRI turfgrass cultivars available. We have an excellent reputation for supplying lawn turf to homes as well as turf to landscapers and authorities including the RHS and the National Trust. The turf is maintained all year round and treated for unwanted pests weeds and disease. We also harvest the turf all year round with the exception of extreme frost. It can

Our Turf is delivered by a highly organised distribution network which enables us to offer efficient delivery throughout Devon & East Cornwall with a minimal carbon footprint. The turf is delivered on a curtain sided lorry with a tail-lift or lorrys equipped with a Hiab crane to unload. We offer the next day delivery service from Tuesday through to Friday providing you order by 12pm. When your turf arrives you should immediately unwrap it and proceed to lay it. The turf should be laid on the day of delivery