tuneyoga.com - Elevate Your Edge | TUNE Yoga

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FLASH SALE for our most popular training module – THE HIPS and PSOAS! June 11! Book now

Athletes, let me give you a new perspective. Hi, I’m Leslee – an athlete, too—and a mama, a wife, an anatomy geek, an OG internationally ranked pro cyclist, and a hardcore yoga flygirl with a serious potty mouth. I never want to lose my edge and am trained to help you hone yours. Wherever in your journey, let’s find performance gains and keep you in the game.

I was slated to ride in the Tour de France Feminin, but shattered my collarbone instead. That injury inspired Tune’s signature “anatomy in action” programming: a cultivated expertise and a proven approach that even seriously injured athletes can rebound stronger in both body and mind. That’s the core of our trainings for yoga teachers, movement specialists, serious students, and athletes to say no to plateau.