tug-dk.org - TANDSUNDHED UDEN GRÆNSER (NEW) - TUG - Tandsundhed Uden Grænser

Description: Dansk humanitær organisation, der har til formål at forbedre tandsundheden i udviklingslande, og at sætte tandsundhed på dagsordenen i tæt samarbejde med lokale organisationer og offentlige myndigheder.

Example domain paragraphs

Focusing on school can be hard when you have a toothache. It might sound simple, but it is the reality for many children in undeveloped countries. That is why we work to create a sustainable school dental care in our project countries – because if children have healthier teeth, they can focus on more important aspects of life like school.

Dentist Karin Kornø Rasmussen travelled to Guatemala to do research on the dental health of school children in the South American country. The results from Karin’s research speaks out loud and clear; the country has a massive need of help in order to improve the dental health.

Make a difference, develop your professional knowledge and meet other cultures.

Links to tug-dk.org (9)