- 11:11 | Be The Change!

Description: Be The Change!

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I am being guided to simplify this message which I will do my best with. This is not a message from myself but from The Source.

I would add an additional synchronicity to this message. I was strongly guided to rewrite this message and simplify it which I did. That was December 8th which you can see was archived here . I kept getting ‘rewrite’ in my mind’s eye repeatedly before and even after I updated the article.

The next day, December 9th there was a video uploaded to the Ambient music channel titled ‘The Confidential Realm – From Above (Rework)’ which is actually a beautiful composition. The cover photo is someone sitting under the stars with a blue light surrounding them with the top of the light resembling a lasso or perhaps a halo. My guidance to rewrite this article came from The Source which goes along perfectly with the title of the below video. ‘The Confidential Realm’ could be interpreted as meaning the hi

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