- Truffle Hunting Zagreb

Description: Truffle Hunting Zagreb

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City of Zagreb is habitat to some of the highest quality wild black truffles Truffles are difficult to grow, hard to find and always in high demand. It’s gold in form of mushroom that grows in a harmony with a host tree. REAL MYSTERY TREASURE

As its name suggests, Lagotto Romagnolo is a dog breed originating from the Romagna region in Italy. Apart from being excellent hunters for truffles, Lagotto Romagnolos are very gentle and affectionate dogs. Since they do not shed, they fall into the category of the so-called “hypoallergenic” breeds, and are hence very suitable for children and family life. In some countries they are used as police tracker dogs, therapeutic dogs, or as guide dogs for blind people. According to the historical word of mouth,

-Meeting with the hunting dogs and the tour guide on location -Story telling - about destination specialties, truffles and action -Truffles and hunting action -A SPECIAL GIFT - fresh truffle that you have dug out -Outdoor tasting of sliced fresh truffle, truffle cheese and special apèritif Truffle Medica Duration 2 - 2.5 hours Price 103 Euro per person Night truffle hunting - The details are generally the same as daytime truffle hunting. For more details, please send us an inquiry through our contact form.