- Troels Lauritz Reese Christensen

Description: Troels Reese Lauritz Christensen personal homepage

html (17738) javascript (14056) css (13326) web developer (4571) frontend developer. (1)

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My professional career as a developer started in full throttle when I joined up with a few friends and created Fitbay back in 2013. We raised money twice, before crashing at full speed. I had just finished my asscoiates degree as a Multimedia designer and Communications student and had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I do not think I was the only one.

After building games as hired help for Danske Spil , I decided to join the startup scene once more. This time, Timekit helped me find my way and I fell in love with Frontend all over again. New and fresh frameworks made it even easier to create simple sites in very complicated ways. Or is it the other way around?

Anyways, Timekit was eventually sold off and so I decided to once again become a mercenary. A guild named Pentia were in need of my services to fight dragons. During one quest I even got to wield my rare knowledgebase of Marionette to save a dying application.