- Marianne Hubert

Description: Pendant son enfance, MARIANNE HUBERT vécut plusieurs morts cliniques qui l'ont ouverte à une autre réalité, celle de notre vie au-delà du matériel.

bien-être (1537) méditation (530) channeling (412) spirituel (104) pathwork (18) eva pierrakos (9) le chemin de la transformation (1) expérience de mort imminente (1) marianne hubert (1) le troisième pôle (1)

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Between the ages of three and eighteen, Marianne had seven near-death experiences that opened her to another reality, that of our life beyond the material. Inhabited by the desire to return to the state of existence of love, happiness and unlimited consciousness that she experienced on the other side of the veil, she embarked on a frantic search in spirituality and psychology. Frustrated at not finding the same state of bliss, she threw away her spiritual quest and settled for a merely material life. It was

​She channels a spiritual entity, the Guide. She is responsible for Pathwork in Belgium and author of several books: the oracle game "the divine in everyday life", "welcoming our imperfection" and several online trainings "healing the inner child", "our relationships as an opportunity for evolution", "the couple: meeting with the Self", "journey towards the divine Self", "return to the Self", "freeing one's path and offering it to the world", "money as spiritual energy", "opening up to the benevolent univer

Monday 29 May from 4pm to 7pm - online and face-to-face

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