- Trinity Cream | The quest to find the greatest ever Crème Brûlée. There's only one rule: If it's on the menu, you have to order

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London. Paris. New York. Munich.  Everybody talk about… OK, I have to tell you that we need to skip over that delightful Bavarian city, because today, we are going to Copenhagen.

And there are a great many things that I like about Denmark, not least the two outstanding friends who live there who have always shown me the real meaning of Danish hospitality – you know who you are.  The endless restaurant choices.  History.   The Little Mermaid .   The Carlsberg Elephants .   Carlsberg .  Probably.   Hygge .

And the Danes are noted as being the most happy nation on the planet.  And the reason for this is Hygge.  What?  Yes, Hoo-Ge. Let me quote from Meik Wiking’s excellent book on the subject, The Little Book of Hygge .  ‘You know hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends. It is those crisp blue mornings when the light through your windows is just right…’.