- Treat Bipolar Disorder Symptoms, and Anxiety Without Meds

Description: Information on how to treat bipolar disorder symptoms,anxiety, several treatment options,and my personal experience living with both disorders,plus why and how I am managing without medications.

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Learn How To Control Your Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and Anxiety Without Medication. google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280;

Is it possible to take control of bipolar disorder symptoms and ease your anxiety without medication? I believe it is, and I have created this website to educate and empower people who suffer with these disorders. Learn about signs and symptoms of bipolar and anxiety, and how and why I have learned to control them without medications of any kind.

My personal diagnosis is bipolar type 2 with psychotic features, PTSD , and a few other anxiety disorders that have been classified together as, generalized anxiety.