- Infosec Notes to Myself – Infosec stuff I am forcing myself to write so I will have a reference

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Infosec stuff I am forcing myself to write so I will have a reference

Apache Guacamole is open source software that is handy for remote administration or operations. It allows remote access to multiple systems, on multiple protocols, through a web interface. Its also handy to configure this capability into a bastion host, allowing remote management with minimal hassle.

Guacamole is open source and well documented, with support for several types of authentication as well as multi factor authentication. However, all of the writeups I found tended to either hardcode user passwords in the configuration file or skip the details on how to configure services. So I dug into it and documented configuration using LDAP for authentication, DUO for two factor authentication, and MySQL for holding connection configurations and mapping them to users. For this installation, I created a f