- Traveling Tea | Sharing Good Times… Sharing Good Tea…

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For many many years of my life I have been cultivating an inner listening and learning to allow my life to be guided by Nature

Before Traveling Tea, I spent many years studying metaphysics and learning various healing modalities including studying Plant Spirit Medicine with Eliot Cowan, and Journey method with Brandon Bays. All of this helped me to get a strong sense of “listening” to my own inner guidance – which many times seems at odds with what makes sense to my rational mind. I thought I was going to make a career in the metaphysical or healing realm but that path never fell into place. In 2008/2009 the idea and opportunity di

It is this sense of service to something larger than myself that kept me putting one step in front of the other as it took a Very long time to make any profit, and why I never “quit the day job”. That is why we don’t “look like” traditional businesses that are open 5-7 days a week; and yet, it also allows us to weather changes, and stay open when so many businesses around us are closing.

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