- Everything DiSC® Assessments and leadership solutions – TrainingLocation

Description: Featuring DiSC® products from Wiley Publishing, including Everything DiSC® programs and solutions (DiSC®, Workplace, Productive Conflict, Agile EQ, Work of Leaders, Sales, Management) Featuring Blanchard programs and solutions, including: Conversational Capacity, Self Leadership, & others.

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Training Location

Training Location  is an award-winning distributor of training products from  Wiley Publishing  (formerly Inscape Publishing) and a Channel Partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies .

I began my Learning & Development journey while working with Ken and Margie Blanchard.  In the years since, I have expanded my experiences and opportunities to include many types of organizational development, including Assessment, Critical Thinking, Lean/Process Improvement, Six Sigma, Coaching, Instructional Design, and many other areas of performance improvement.  My favorites, however, continue to be the DISC and Situational Leadership II.  My partnerships with Wiley and The Ken Blanchard Companies prov