- EXPLORE CARTAGENA WITH ANGEL | Explore Cartagena with Angel

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My name is ANGEL GOMEZ C. I was born in Cartagena De Indias, the city where I live. I learned English at the «Colombo American Center» in 1985, then I worked as an english teacher for children and for adults in that institution, I also worked as a private English teacher and in 1989 became a tour guide at an institution called «Sena», later I received other courses and workshops in history and tourism topics,  then learned French at the  «Alliance Colombo Française» in 1992, later I learned German at «Carta

I am a tour guide with an extensive knowledge of the city of Cartagena , its history and cultural attractions. With an experience of over 20 years, I have ccompanied thousands of tourists who have visited the city,

I can take you on a tour of the historic city of Cartagena de Indias. I am specialized in City Tours, Walking Tours, visits to museums and visits to the Mud Volcano and other tours.