drum (859) module (548) dsp (528) sampling (202) audio software (49) e-drums (12) e-drum (10) edrums (9) tourage (1) drum brain (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Q : What means ' tourage '? A : Pronounced French [tuʀaʒ], it's a word play on a musicians ' tour ' and the French word ' tourage '. If you love French croissants, you might know: the many layers of a puff pastry come from rolling out the dough and folding it over, and repeating this several times. It's the pastry way of ' making tours ', which is where the tasty magic happens.  

Q : What is ' embedded ' here, what is the ' flavour '? And what does that mean for audio & DSP? A : Half of the dough contains fat, or butter, which becomes part of the reaction. The flavour gets ' embedded '. With Digital Signal Processing, this translates to: we create the software algorithms, enable the processing of personal drum instruments & sounds, for conserving and enhancing that personal ' flavour '. You then select the ingredients and take control on their interplay. For the most fulfilling expe