- Total Emf Solutions in Phoenix, AZ: About

Description: Total EMF Solutions started when I felt microwave type sickness from a smart meter. This is exposure made me electro-hyper-sensitive EHS.

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Back in July of 2013, I woke up very suddenly in the middle of the night with severe tingling and light headedness, feeling like I was going to faint. It was very scary, needless to say. I had recurring episodes like that over the next few months often and always worse at night. I went to my doctor which is through Mayo so I have access to good medical care and testing. Over the next few weeks, I had many tests...extensive blood on multiple occasions, urine, cardiac stress test/ultrasound, nerve conduction,

Update  Hi Paul.. been meaning to write to you  for awhile. Thanks for keeping me on your list… I like keeping up with what you send. We are doing well.. I have no more symptoms and although Kyle had a rough summer, he’s had a great 9 months and his sleep problems don’t exist anymore and haven’t for quite awhile.