- TopSurgeons – La recherche sur le chirurgien pour la santé des patients

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First, during the observation phase, the study aim to identify determinants linked to either surgeons’ human factors or the organization of the operating room that could influence a surgeon’s performance. The originality of this primary phase lies in its data sources. We plan to not only use data from the hospital database, but also to collect physiological data using biometric sensors that the surgeons will wear 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Next, during the intervention phase, the impact of a novel coach

The TopSurgeons project is led by Pr Antoine Duclos (epidemiologist and principal investigator) and Jean-Christophe Lifante (surgeon). This multidisciplinary project requires the combination of complementary expertise in public health, surgery, epidemiology, statistics, data and human science. The project is being carried out at the   Research on Healthcare Performance (RESHAPE – U.INSERM 1290) Laboratory at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and in collaboration with the health data services, adult surgery a