- Tools for Justice | Landing Site for Tools4RacialJustice, Journey of Healing, & LIves on the Clothesline

Example domain paragraphs

From the Healing Racism Toolkit : Walk the heart maze in prayer for racial justice. As John Lewis said, “You are the Light. Never let anyone — any person or any force — dampen, dim or diminish your light. Study the path of others to make your way easier and more abundant…”

From the Healing Racism Toolkit : This video takes you on a tour of the concepts, navigation, and features of the website. Feel free to view the video or just start exploring.

From the Healing Racism Toolkit : T HE PURPOSE OF THE VARIOUS DRAGON PROJECTS  is to bear witness to violence against people of color, The Projects intent is to visibly connect. what some could see as  isolated events from George Floyd, to Freddie Gray, to Trayon Martin hopefully to touch people’s hearts and brings awareness that it is part of a wider system.

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