- Yes to Know

Example domain paragraphs

In this incredible world of movement and change and the mind-stretching opportunities that new technology brings to us, we can often be left standing in the awe of too many choices; the wonder of what is coming next. Craving the new. Still, there is the steady world of libraries that continues to deepen and hold space for what is now, what is then, and what is to be. Libraries discover and describe our world–the historic world and the now , the present and the rare.  When I lived and worked in Boulder, Colo

Photo by Callum Hilton on

How many times have you said to yourself: I should have known when that happened it wasn’t going to work out!   No matter wh at it is–a relationship that you were plugging away at, a deal you were trying to close or a conversation you were earnestly trying to have with a relative. You look back and probably say or think these types of things to yourself:  “How obvious!” “How could I have been so blind?” “I was so dumb not to turn and run right then!”  And so, you take a little bit more time to kick yourself