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Postdoc at Princeton University

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University, advised by Tom Griffiths . Starting in January 2024, I will be an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Yale University. Before coming to Princeton, I received a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science at Johns Hopkins University, co-advised by Tal Linzen and Paul Smolensky , and before that I received a B.A. in Linguistics at Yale University, advised by Robert Frank .

I study computational linguistics using techniques from cognitive science, machine learning, and natural language processing. My research focuses on how to achieve robust generalization in models of language, as this remains one of the main areas where current AI systems fall short and one of the most impressive components of language processing in humans. In particular, I study which inductive biases and which representations of structure enable robust generalization, since these are two of the major compo

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