- Tom Moorhouse | Writer of fiction

Description: Welcome to Tom Moorhouse's website. Tom writes children's fiction. When not doing that he works as an ecologist at Oxford University's Zoology Department.

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Welcome to Tom's website. Feel free to walk on the grass...   So, this is Tom...

OK, seriously now. Tom lives in Oxford, where he enjoys the refreshing and perpetual rain. When not writing fiction he works as a freelance conservation scientist (formerly a Senior Researcher at Oxford University's Zoology Department). Over the years he has met quite a lot of wildlife. Most of it tried to bite him. He loves hiking up mountains, walking through woods, climbing on rocks and generally being weather-beaten outdoors.

Q: Is there a particular book, author, or film that had a particular impact on you in your childhood? A: As a child (a phrase which, incidentally, makes a completely false distinction between how I acted when I was under 14 and how I act now) I devoured - not literally - just about any fantasy book going. It started with The Faraway Tree books and quickly progressed up the credibility spectrum to The Dark is Rising. I'm still unsure whether the Enid Blyton was entirely healthy, but it was all part of the am