- Todd the Hiker | God is revealed through His creation … Read Romans 1:19-20

Description: God is revealed through His creation ... Read Romans 1:19-20

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Photo:  Sunset over the mouth of the Au Train River on Au Train Bay, Lake Superior, Au Train, Michigan.  ©  Todd D. Nystrom and Todd the Hiker , 2022.

John 19:30 – When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

“It is finished.” The most obvious meaning of these words, and the one most likely understood by those present at the crucifixion, is that Jesus was speaking of the end of his mortal life.  The Greek word translated here as “finished” is also rendered, in other New Testament passages, as “accomplished.”  Given this, it seems that, while he may be acknowledging the certainty of his death, there is much deeper meaning to these words.  As we contemplate these near final words of Christ, let us examine three th