- TLC Tugger Foreskin Restoration – HIS body, HIS decision

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Circumcision removes valuable specialized erogenous tissue . Foreskin feels REALLY good. Without the foreskin, the glans becomes dried, toughened, and less sensitive. The normal slack skin gives a man* and his partner an exquisite plush frictionless rolling/gliding sensation. In short, circumcision wrecks sex . Luckily we can undo some of the damage with non-surgical foreskin restoration.

Most of the world is intact (not circumcised). Cut males* can often roll enough of the remaining skin forward (while nudging the glans back) to temporarily force the skin into position so it covers the whole glans while flaccid. If so, our gentle tapeless TLC-X , TLC Tugger, or Your-Skin Cone retainer will work. If you're starting with little slack, our tape-based Canister method or manual tugging will get you ready for tapeless tugging, probably in a few months.   (click RESTORING tab for more...)

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