- Coming Soon - Future home of something quite cool

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Back in the 80’s and early 90’s the TK7 line of products were a “must have” among racing enthusiasts and commercial boat operators. After the last several years in private distribution, TK7 is back available to the public.

TK7 Super Power Booster for gas engines and TK7-704HS for diesel engines are unique fuel additives with a base of three main features:

The TK7 line of additives, when blended with regular or low quality fuel, performs a physical change to the fuel, actually producing a new upgraded fuel versus only treating your engine and its components. It replaces sulfur in diesel fuel, boosts octane in gasoline, eliminates moisture, clears burn-off deposits, removes fungi, and lubricates upper cylinders. The result is longer-lasting engines with increased fuel mileage and decreased fuel cost.