titaniumexposed.com - Titanium story, the legend of the metal of the gods

Description: Titanium - metal of the gods. It's unique qualities are only surpassed by the mistery shrouding it. You're about to unveil the mists and myths surrounding titanium, as I expose it to the bare essence

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The story of titanium, the metal that was born in the cradle of the gods google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";google_ad_slot="3543697663";google_ad_width=200;google_ad_height=200;

The story of titanium is not easy to tell. This special metal was long hidden from the prying eyes of the human curiosity in the past. And today it is hidden by the abundance of information which easily misleads.

If you need a quick glance at the glamour metal’s most common related facts you can get a free short fact book about the wonder metal here.