tiredofrodents.com - Rodent Control | Northwest Exterminating

Description: Professional Rodent Control Services. Rodent Control Includes Free Inspection & Quote, Trapping, Exclusion & Clean-up. Get Rid of Rodents Fast!

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Our Rodent Control & Wildlife Services Team specializes in the exclusion, removal, and control of wildlife nuisances like rodents. Rats and mice can cause significant and costly damage to your home or business – chewing through wiring, ruining furniture, damaging walls – AND create health problems by contaminating surfaces, causing allergic reactions, and spreading diseases. If you have a rodent problem, it’s an unsanitary situation that needs immediate, ongoing, and professional Rodent Control.

Our Wildlife Services Team will inspect your home to identify your rodent problem, determine where they are getting in, implement fast & effective trapping and control methods, and prevent rodents from getting into your home in the future. We’ll also inform you of any existing damage or contamination and provide you with recommendations for repairs and/or clean-up.

The first step in Rodent Control is a thorough property inspection to determine where and how rodents are gaining access into your home or business.