tippermusic.com - The Twenty % Tippers

Description: The Twenty % Tippers: failed music group that performed around New York from '91 to '96, calling it quits when their money and creativity ran out. Recently recorded cd free to anyone requesting it.

new york (12361) band (10061) 20% (247) percent (25) twenty % tippers (2) 20% tippers (2) per cent (2) the tippers (2) twenty percent tipper (2) 20 % tipper (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The Twenty % Tippers were a music group that performed around New York City from November '91 to November '96. They didn't have much conventional success. From continuously posting flyers in the New York City subway system offering their music for free, they amassed a considerable mailing list. Members on this mailing list would then receive a flyer and a story each month. The flyer announced the band's next performance, while the story recounted the misadventures of the group. Despite their intense grassro