tinyhousebuild.com - DIY Tiny Homes - Tiny House Expedition

Description: Do you want to build your own tiny house? Sharing DIY tiny homes for inspiration and helpful how-to resources.

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Building your own tiny house can be incredibly fulfilling and quite challenging. It's definitely the most affordable option. But where to begin?

We had no building experience when we built our DIY tiny house on wheels in 2015. Three biggest lessons we learned along the way:

STRIKING Handcrafted Tiny House w/recycled materials & stained glass art YouTube Video UExsdkJYaER5cjlIMmVuSm9DUC12ei1JVUhSSEt2UzlhSi4wMTcyMDhGQUE4NTIzM0Y5 Couple Marries in their $40k Tiny House - simple family farm living! YouTube Video UExsdkJYaER5cjlIMmVuSm9DUC12ei1JVUhSSEt2UzlhSi45NzUwQkI1M0UxNThBMkU0 She built a cute $40k TINY HOUSE & towed it from 8000-ft Mtn to an Island YouTube Video UExsdkJYaER5cjlIMmVuSm9DUC12ei1JVUhSSEt2UzlhSi5ENDU4Q0M4RDExNzM1Mjcy Couple Built $38k Tiny House n 3 mos! standing

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