tinnituseire.ie - Tinntus Éire

Description: Together against tinnitus

education (19895) community (14714) information (7866) ireland (3903) tinnitus (435)

Example domain paragraphs

You are not alone! Tinnitus affects about 10-15% of the people in Ireland and 2-3% of people living tinnitus are severely distressed by their ear sounds. Although there is no cure for tinnitus at this point, there are ways to manage your tinnitus. One of the most powerful ways is by finding your tinnitus community.Tinnitus Éire aims to start building a tinnitus community in Ireland in which we can mobilise the power of the arts to hear and hold each other in empathy, educate each other through accurate rese

Understanding what tinnitus is and the research around tinnitus can be a step to moving towards coping with tinnitus. Here you will find videos and articles from researchers, clinicians and tinnitus experts, like yourselves, to give you different perspectives on tinnitus research, treatments and lived experiences of tinnitus to help you cope with your own tinnitus.

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