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July 31, 2023 (Photographs and memories from June 2012 and July 2020)

Salmon, Idaho (or nearby) is the birthplace of Sacajawea , a famous Lemhi Shoshone member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804-1806. The story of Sacajawea is well-known, so I won’t go into detail about it. See her Wikipedia entry here for more information on her life. (Note that I’ll use the spelling “Sacajawea” instead of its rivals “Sacagawea” or “Sakakawea” since Sacajawea is the spelling preferred by the Shoshone.)

Salmon, Idaho, is a busy town. Although the town’s population is only 3,000, it seems more active because all human activity in this remote part of Idaho must be squeezed through a narrow corridor of land below the goliath Sawtooth Mountains above the town and the rushing Salmon River that runs through it. The smaller Lemhi River joins the Salmon River just north of downtown.