timespaceandgravity.com - Time,Space and Gravity

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Making Sense of Time, Space and Gravity

   An epistemological analysis of accepted observations and formulae leads to the conclusion that the time metric is quantized. On this view E=MC 2 is a particular case of E=MV 2 and the ubiquitous significance of C derives from it being the internal rate of the time quanta’s cycle of formation and collapse. This view is either consistent with, or even the only logical explanation of, puzzling but established observations. It is shown that quantum indeterminacy can be fully accounted for by this assumption,

     The predictions made by the algorithms of quantum mechanics and general relativity correspond to the relevant observations. The problem is that neither theory explains, and neither has borne fruit! By the latter it is meant that general relativity, after eighty years, has not led to an explanation of gravity (as distinguished from a description) nor has quantum mechanics elucidated the derivation of its arbitrary parameters. There is a profound lack of understanding with regard to time, which is partic