time-design.co.uk - Zeno watch Basel Swiss watches. Pre-owned watches, straps and accessories.

Description: time-design.co.uk is the UK shop for quality Swiss watches at reasonable prices. We are the only genuine source for Zeno watch Basel in the UK.

uk (34443) service (30194) england (3240) basel (2317) watch (1827) watches (1518) swiss (1502) pre-owned (1429) authorised (37) zeno (28)

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You can follow us on:

[email protected] telephone 10am - 5pm: +447920525905

Time-design is UK based and is not connected with any other retail stores or distributors with similar names. We are avid watch enthusiasts ourselves and have a varied collection of watches. We recommend the TZ-UK watch forum: http://www.tz-uk.com/forum and there is even a Sub Forum devoted to Zeno! http://forum.tz-uk.com/forumdisplay.php?14-The-Official-Zeno-Forum Facebook group for Zeno UK here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/334018786692869/

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