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Description: Rory Phillips | Design, Illustration and Creative Content

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My poster for the Futurelandia show for Design Week Portland tonight at Union/Pine 6-9pm. Come out and see it live in person and discuss the future of Portland.

Will the civic pride Portlanders feel today, evolve into ultra-nationalism tomorrow? I wanted to explore how Independence Day traditions and festivities might reflect the social and civic identity of a future Portland—capital of the Utopian Republics of Cascadia.

This is my birdhouse for this years WeMake Open House Benifit aka Put A Bird In It . The event is part of Design Week Portland There are a lot of amazing birdhouses to check out. The event is April 19th at Tillamook Station. All the proceeds form the silent birdhouse auction got to benefit The Right Brain Initiative , a Portland-based arts education advocacy program supporting K-8 students. There will be lots of other fun stuff to do there too!