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Tigers Credit Union is honored that Nerdwallet has asked us to express a few words as you embark on this new chapter in your life. As you have probably heard, there is a weathered road currently presented to graduates these days. exness learning about the economy and poor job markets. As a financial institution run by our members, it is our duty and privilege to provide you the building blocks to financial success. Part of that shared knowledge means preparing you for the obstacles you will potentially face

One of the most valuable things we can share is the importance of credit and how that pesky score can affect your life. Credit scores are basically your financial report card. Only now your financial habits are graded from 300-850. Debt is easy to acquire these days, but a good credit score is critical if you ever plan to buy a car or get a mortgage at all, let alone at the best possible rates. The following three stories are how credit has affected someone’s life in one way or another.

The first story is about not being afraid of credit: Sarah’s parents had problems with credit cards, and raised her to believe that all debt was bad. Consequently, when she went to rent an apartment after college, her name couldn’t be on the lease because she had no credit history. Small steps, such as signing up for a credit card and paying more than the minimum, on-time, has allowed Sarah to start building credit, and she was https://exness-trade.my/education Debt is bad when you let it accumulate, but us