ticklethepanda.dev - Meet Panda - TickleThePanda

Description: A showcase of TickleThePanda's (Panda Rushwood's) projects.

Example domain paragraphs

Meet Panda Hi, I'm Panda ! I like build­ing things with web tech­no­lo­gies, play­ing board games and Dun­geons and Dragons, trav­el­ing the UK and the world, tak­ing pho­tos on film, and host­ing (usu­ally themed) din­ner parties.

When I'm work­ing, I lead a team of soft­ware en­gin­eers at Sci­ence and Tech­no­logy Fa­cil­it­ies Coun­cil (STFC) (part of UK Re­search and Inova­tion ). We de­vel­op web apps for the sub­mis­sion of pro­pos­als and gath­er­ing in­form­a­tion about out­comes of ex­per­i­ments at STFC's Na­tion­al Labor­at­or­ies.

Take a look at my résumé if you're in­ter­ested in look­ing at my pro­fes­sion­al ex­per­i­ence. Or take a look at my pro­jects at @Tick­leTh­eP­anda at Git­Hub . You can find me at @[email protected] on Mas­to­don .

Links to ticklethepanda.dev (2)