ticalin.com - Tica's Portfolio

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Tica Lin is a UX Designer empowering people with information through visualization, interaction design and storytelling.

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Visual Computing Group at Harvard University, advised by Prof. Hanspeter Pfister . My research explores the fabulous world of Immersive Analytics, SportsXR, and Human-Computer Interaction . I explore novel visualization and interaction with immersive technologies for non-scientific domain experts and general users, such as athletes and sports fans. With the design that blends the physical and digital world to facilitate human decision-making “in-situ”, my research vision

I was a Research Scientist Intern at Facebook Reality Labs and Adobe Research. Prior to embarking on the Ph.D. journey, I was a Sr. Data Visualization Designer at Visa, and UX Developer at Philadelphia 76ers. I received M.S. in Digital Media from Georgia Tech and B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University.

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