tiarajante.net - Tiara Janté | Author & Best Selling Ghostwriter

Description: Locus Award winning author and national bestselling ghostwriter specializing in speculative fiction and non-fiction.

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Home Portfolio Subscribe Tiara Janté | Author & Best Selling Ghostwriter Tiara Janté | Author & Best Selling Ghostwriter Tiara Janté | Author & Best Selling Ghostwriter Tiara Janté | Author & Best Selling Ghostwriter Home Portfolio Subscribe The greatest stories are the ones that are told... Who is Tiara Janté? Tiara Janté is an award-winning author, journalist, and national bestselling ghostwriter, who specializes in creating character-driven stories that combine the allure of speculative fiction with the

As a passionate advocate for Black creatives, Tiara regularly collaborates with others to help bring their stories to life. Her latest project, Black Is The Standard , showcases some of these stories. Tiara holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English & Literature from Muhlenberg College and is defending her Master of Arts in Professional and Digital Media Writing from East Stroudsburg University later this year.

Tiara's body of work spans the gamut of fiction and non-fiction, both literary and non-literary. Her passion for writing is evident in her commitment to improving the quality of life for Black people throughout the Diaspora. Based in the metro Atlanta area with her children, Tiara spends most of her time immersed in the beauty of Black culture, whether through reading, creating, or mothering. Her ultimate goal is to change the world, and she is always conjuring up new ways to do so.

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