tiamaexpeditions.com - Tiama - Expedition Sailing Vessel

Description: Expedition Sailing Vessel

new zealand (5879) charter (1937) trip (1533) ice (1047) journey (831) expedition (670) sail (539) conservation photography (15) tiama (1) antarctic arctic (1)

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We specialise in providing safe and reliable transportation and logistical support for research, filming or private expeditions to the Arctic or Antarctic or any other of the worlds  more  remote and hard to get to places, we pride ourselves for delivering on our promises, on time and within budget while having fun doing it. Please have   [ Read More ]

When we are at sea we  our position  gets automatically uploaded to Google earth follow the link http://my.yb.tl/tiama/map-only/   We have set it to update every 12hours, using the “Yellowbrick” Iridium tracking system.If we are in a city /port for more then a few days, then this system is usually put on standby  for the   [ Read More ]